Fear Not Young Sony Pony

Apparently Sony has reportedly patented technology that will prevent the use of second hand games on consoles. I wouldn’t normally report on something like this because it’s nothing more than speculation when talking about whether it will be in the next PlayStation. However, with so many people going bonkers about it I figured I’d put my two cents in.

First of all, I have zero problems with used games and generally like them. I’m a college student right now and like when I can catch a break and buy a game for a lower price. It’s not my responsibility to support the developer and buy new. That might sound mean but I really don’t give a shit. I buy plenty of new games; I’m not a friggin’ terrorist every time I buy a used game somewhere.sony pony

As for this Sony Patent. One, I think it would be suicide on Sony’s part if they implemented it in the next PlayStation and the competitors didn’t. Two, If it is implemented, it’s not that big of a deal. All your digital games are this way unless you count the profile sharing you can do for one other PS3. Finally, it’s just a patent. If you don’t know, look up patents and see how many don’t even exist as actual products; it’s insane.

I truly believe there is nothing to worry about. For all those against the patent, regardless if the patent ends up coming to PS4, most of you will end up getting one anyway patent enabled or not. For those for the patent, chill out on people who like buying used, they have no bearing on how you choose to buy games. If a developer has a problem with used games, I suggest you make a game worth keeping.

For more information, Check out the article HERE.


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